
Expecting a Baby? Meet Our Team and Learn About Newborn Care

May 02, 2023
Expecting a Baby? Meet Our Team and Learn About Newborn Care
It’s almost time to welcome your newest addition, but what do you do when the baby comes? Newborn care can be overwhelming at first, so don’t go it alone. Learn more about our team of pediatricians and what we can do for you and your family.

You wouldn’t take your car to a plumber, and it won’t fix itself. So why would you consider taking your baby anywhere but to a team of baby experts

Whether you’re a rookie parent or you’ve been in the game awhile, we know how overwhelming figuring out what your baby needs can be. We’re here to take the guesswork out of parenting and show you how our newborn care services at Wellness Pediatrics can be your most powerful tool. 

What is newborn care?

You guessed it — newborn care encompasses every healthy service your new baby needs during the first 2-3 months of life. Your baby grew and changed rapidly in the womb, and their development only ramps up once they’re born. 

You need a qualified team of experts who can cater to your baby’s unique needs. Your visits will look a lot like this:

Initial eval

We start by gathering data on your baby, measuring their length, weight, and head circumference. We compare those numbers to a sampling of children of the same sex and age to give us an idea of where your baby is developmentally. 

We also assess their skin, head shape, reflexes, breathing function, heart rate, reflexes, and basic neurological function to check for any abnormalities. 

Q & A

Next, we open the floor for discussion. During this time, we talk about anything and everything regarding your baby. Some common topics include baby-proofing your home, sleep habits, nutrition, milestones, and emotions. We strongly encourage you to create a list of questions and bring it to your appointment. 

We also focus on your health and wellness as a parent and ask if there are any concerns about postpartum depression and other potential new-parent problems. 

Disease prevention

Depending on your child’s age, we may administer vaccinations to prevent disease and illness. We can answer your questions about the recommended vaccination schedule for children. 

Can’t I just figure it out on my own?

There’s a lot to say for a parent’s intuition. No one knows your baby better than you do, and you might think that means you can just respond to health needs as they arise. 

But forgoing your baby’s regular wellness visits, especially in those first few months, means they (and you) miss out on getting valuable care and support. 

In fact, research shows that babies who have access to and take advantage of high-quality newborn care are healthier and less vulnerable to serious health problems down the line. 

Who will take care of my baby?

Entrusting your baby’s well-being to someone else is a big deal, so we want you to feel comfortable with our team before you step foot in our office.

Our families have the opportunity to work with a team of compassionate and highly trained health professionals. Trinidad Rojas, MD, and Tina E. Floy, MD, have a heart for children and are dedicated to providing attentive, comprehensive care. 

Wellness Pediatrics is a smaller practice, which means we get to know you and your family on a more personal level, building relationships with the entire family and tailoring care to your child’s needs. 

We’re here for you, from the first newborn checkups to unexpected injuries, sick visits, and everything in between. 

To book your baby’s first appointment, simply call our friendly staff at our Fairfax, Virginia, office or use our online scheduling tool.