


ADD services offered in Fairfax, VA

When a member has attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), professional support can take some strain off of the entire family. For those in and around Fairfax, Virginia, Trinidad Rojas, MD, and Tina E. Floy, MD, of Wellness Pediatrics, PC, are an outstanding resource for ADHD assessment and care. Book your visit online or by phone today to get started. 


What is ADHD/ADD?

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common neurodevelopmental disorder most often diagnosed during childhood. Sometimes referred to as attention-deficit disorder (ADD), the condition affects thousands of American children, and also their families. 

Kids with ADHD/ADD often struggle at home, at school, and in social settings. They often behave in ways that fall outside societal norms, and aren’t always aware their behaviors aren’t in line with those of their peers, especially when they’re very young. 

ADHD takes a toll on the entire family unit. Siblings often struggle with less parental attention as more time is diverted to the child with ADHD. Parents find it challenging to know how to discipline kids with these conditions. 

What are some signs my child might have ADHD/ADD?

Knowing what to look for can help parents know when the time is right to come in for a behavioral health assessment. There are two primary types of ADHD, categorized according to the symptoms a child displays. 

Predominantly inattentive ADHD

Kids with this type of ADHD often struggle to follow instructions or stay on task. They’re easily distracted and often struggle to maintain daily routines. Completing school assignments is challenging, and even playing with other kids isn’t always easy. 

Predominantly hyperactive ADHD

Children with this type of ADHD find it nearly impossible to sit still or wait their turn. They’re often impulsive and seem to engage in risky behaviors. Running, climbing, and jumping in inappropriate settings is common, as is fidgeting when they’re forced to sit in one place.

Some kids display a combination of both inattentive and hyperactive ADHD. This is called a combined presentation. 

What kinds of treatment might help kids with ADHD/ADD?

Fortunately there are a number of ways to help kids with ADHD. Medications might play a role in your child’s journey, but drug therapy is never the sole approach. Helping kids learn the skills they need to succeed in the world is a central focus. 

Behavioral therapy helps kids identify problematic behaviors and make informed choices. While children with ADHD often experience setbacks, behavioral therapy helps them achieve more control.

Parents also benefit from working with their child’s doctor. Learning how to advocate for your child at school and in other settings is important. Parents also learn how to create appropriate disciplinary structures. 

If you’d like to bring your child in for ADHD assessment or treatment, it’s fast and easy to book a visit, whether you choose online or phone options.